Ol Veliu Bilong Mipela

Ol veliu bilong mipela i stap insait tru long kominiti na I kamap long wok bung namel long ol wokmanmeri, ol lain bilong givim stia tok skul, ol bod memba, ol lain I save givim helpim na tu ol patna bilong mipela.

Dispela ol veliu I save strongim na givim stia long wok bilong mipela, na I save helpim mipela long luksave na stretim ol wari bilong ol ektivist o ol lain I toktok na pait strong long bilip bilong ol, ol kominiti, ol grup na long ol eria mipela I wok long en.


Lainim ol nupela samting na lusim tingting long ol samting nogut em i rot bilong wok wantaim na kamap strong na kamap moa gutpela.


Kamapim pasin bilong wok wantaim ol arapela na strongim pasin bilong bilip long wanpela narapela.


Putim i go pas ol ekspiriens o save em ol lain husait i save pait strong na banisim ol rait i bin lainim insait long wok bilong ol.


Tokaut long sanap bilong mipela olsem fanda o ogenaisesen we I save givim sapot, na muvim pawa na givim wankain rait long olgeta lain.

context value

Toktok strong na sapotim ol meri grup na wok bilong ol bai olgeta lain I ken lukim na save long ol.


Ol hevi bilong pastaim i ken helpim long senis na kamap moa gutpela.

Learning from setbacks

Learning from setbacks to improve and improvise

Sapotim Wok Bilong Sanap Strong


Sapotim Wok Bilong Sanap Strong

Planti taim, ol eria we mipela i wok long em i save gat kainkain hevi na tu birua bilong politiks. Ol grup na ogenaisesen husait i wok long banisim rait i mas sanap strong na sapotim ol kominiti wantaim ol kainkain gutpela rot we i ken helpim na daunim ol hevi na tu long bungim wanem kain ol senis we bai i kamap bihain.

Mipela i sapotim ol kominiti na patna bilong mipela long sanap strong na lukautim ol yet taim mipela putim yau na harim gut wari na hevi bilong ol, na tu mipela I givim helpim long ol meri na ol lain husait i banisim rait bilong ol man na meri wantaim, insait long Esia na Pasifik taim i gat bikpela nid long dispela kain sapot.

Taim mipela I givim helpim long ol lain long sanap strong na lukautim ol yet, mipela i kamapim tu ol ples we I seif na I bungim olgeta kainkain lain.  Mipela I tokaut na kamapim tu ol strongpela toksave, mipela I sapotim ol meri long kamap model olsem lida, na antap tru, mipela i senis, mipela i lainim na mipela i bekim na mipela I go het.


Sapot bilong mipela long ol eria

Rapid response grantmaking

Hariap long givim fanding na sapot.


Gutpela Plen long Sapotim ol Kominiti we I Banisim Rait.


Bungim na Dilim ol Helpim.


The COVID Crisis Grants are still open!

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the vulnerabilities of women and non-binary human rights defenders and activists in Asia and the Pacific. UAF A&P has opened a special grant specifically to support their economic and basic needs during these multiple levels of crises. The deadline for the COVID Crisis Grants has been extended to June 30, 2021.


We derive strength from our membership in a global sisterhood of Urgent Action Funds. Each sister fund is autonomous, and each fund makes grants and fundraises within the region where they operate. Together, the sister funds have built solidarity and co-responsibility for a more just world. We practice collaboration, sharing power, and challenging the status quo, while also respecting our individual identities as regional funders grounded in our communities.

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